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Board of Directors
Chairman & C.E.O. Mr. Lau Siu Ying
  Mr. Li Jianwu
Independent Non-Executive
Dr. Law Chun Kwan
Dr. Lo Wai Shun
  Mr. Leung Wai Hung
Company Secretary Mr. So Chi Kai
Audit Committee Dr. Law Chun Kwan
  Dr. Lo Wai Shun
  Mr. Leung Wai Hung
Principal Bankers
  China Construction Bank
  China Merchants Bank
  ICBC (Asia)
Principal Place of Business
Hong Kong Head Office Room 1505-6, Tower A, Regent Centre
  63 Wo Yi Hop Road, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
China Head Office Room 1901, 19/F.,BM Tower,218 Wu Song Road, Shanghai,PRC.
  No. 666, Beijing East Road, Shanghai, PRC
Wai Gao Qiao Office Room 328, Xin Mao Lou, No. 2 Tai Zhong Nan Lu
  Wai Gao Qiao Free Trade Zone, Shanghai, PRC
Principal Share Registrar
and Transfer Office
Codan Services Limited
Clarendon House, 2 Church Street Hamilton HM11, Bermuda
Hong Kong Branch Share
Registrar and Transfer
Tricor Abacus Ltd.
Level 54, Hopewell Centre 183, Queen¡¦s Road East, Hong Kong
Auditors Yongtuo Fuson CPA Limited
Legal Advisors As to Hong Kong law:
Franki Ho & Associates
As to Bermuda law:
Conyers Dill & Pearman
Web-Sites www.chinafortune.com


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